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Seriously Geeky Sundays: These Calories Don’t Count 😋

Welcome back to another tasty installment of Seriously Geeky Sundays! Heather’s prompts this week are all about food. At least talking about food means I’m not actively stuffing my face, ha! Links of note will be listed under Further Reading.

If you could have any fictional food item become reality, what would it be?

Stone soup. I imagine it’s like an everything but the kitchen sink kind of stew. 

What is your favourite food moment/scene?

The feast scenes at the end of every Redwall book by Brian Jacques. He hyped up meadowcream to the nth degree. While it’s probably just a sweet butter, inquiring minds want to know what it tastes like!

What fictional restaurant would you like to visit?

Image courtesy of Gfycat

Green Dragon Inn. Specifically, on open mic night featuring Merry and Pippin.

What is the most decadent dessert you’ve seen in a fandom?

I recommend checking out Kantaro: The Sweet Tooth Salaryman. I missed some of the references to Japanese pop culture, but this series is a light-hearted food and travel romp centered around desserts.  It’s a bit over the top, but I loved watching this unassuming, white-collar guy literally plan his day around hitting up certain sweet shops.

Image courtesy of Imgur

I couldn’t settle on a single dessert item because they all looked tasty. I suppose if I had to pick one, I’m most intrigued by shiratama ogura anmitsu. Meaty beans, fruit, mochi, and syrup? Hmm…

What is the most disgusting fictional food item you’ve seen?

Ooo, basically anything involving brains in iZombie. I just can’t get over sliced up brain in regular food. Yes, I know the brains are fake but please no. Nope nope nope no thank you.

What is your favourite fandom inspired recipe/food item?

I had to dig into my Internet history for this because I attempted to make this recipe IRL. Back when Tumblr was a relevant part of my life, there was a blog I followed that posted recipes for food items in video games. When Skyrim launched, they put up a recipe for the sweet rolls. I distinctly remember deciding to make this to bring to Thanksgiving. They were tasty, but I didn’t have the tools to form them as they looked in game, so it was more of a muffin than a roll. Still heckin’ tasty though, would try again.

All right, now I’m hungry, despite talking about brains. I’m off to raid the fridge.

Further Reading

Kantaro: The Sweet Tooth Salaryman

The OG recipe I used, bless them it’s still up. ❤

One Comment

  1. I’d forgotten about the iZombie brains! I actually didn’t mind some of them that much because they looked like regular good, but oh yes, some of them just looked like brains had been thrown on normal food. I think the salads and stuff were the worst.

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