Wow, ok, May just sort of flew the coop, didn’t it. Links of note will be listed under Further Reading.
Video Games
I have successfully completed both Zup! XS and Heroine’s Quest. I’m already feeling a little cocky about June’s games, but summer hours are starting, so I don’t know how much playing time I’ll be able to wring out of a day.
Currently Playing
Things are still chugging along in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I’ve made no effort yet to increase my island ranking. I’ve lost two villagers and gained three more. I’m having trouble deciding who I like the best of the newcomers, Rolf or Keaton…
Big cats are my fav… …but his color scheme is FABULOUS,
Looking Ahead
June’s backlog games are locked and loaded: Super Mario Odyssey and Shovel Knight!
Health and Fitness
No new developments with the thyroid, aside from the next upcoming blood panel. C19 really threw shit off, because now my dentist says if I cancel an appointment for any reason, no matter when I do it, it’ll cost me $200. Big yikes. And to add insult to injury, my hair stylist left the salon I go to. I know, I know, #firstworldproblems, but she’s been cutting my hair since I was 12. I don’t begrudge her decision at all, just sucks, It’s another void to fill.
As far as fitness goes, yeah, haha about that. Weight’s been all over the place, up and down, up and down. I don’t think I’ve been eating as cleanly as I could either, so I’m reining that in.
Looking Ahead
I found an interesting fitness/mental fortitude challenge. It’s called 75Hard; it was developed by Andy Frisella, host of the now ended podcast MFCEO. These are the basic tenets:
- Pick a diet and stick to it. No cheat meals or alcohol.
- Drink a gallon of water every day.
- Read 10 pages of a nonfiction book (preferably business or personal development) every day. I’ve seen it said around the interwebs that audiobooks and e-books don’t count.
- Two 45 minutes workouts every day. One must be outside.
- Take a progress photo every day.
Now there’s also a curfew to contend with, which adds an extra layer of challenge. Sorry Andy, I’mma have to go outside at my discretion.
Save State of the Blog
I think I’m sort of starting to find my rhythm. I haven’t quite dialed in my category taxonomy just yet. My workflow is definitely improving. Right now I think the biggest challenge is time management. I also haven’t nailed down post frequency yet. I’ve read the name of the early game is get as much out there as quickly as possible, but my quality definitely suffers if I rush things. For now, I’m staying the course.
Onward to June! It’s going to be an interesting summer…