Believe me, the hashtag made me cringe as well. In my defense, I was a shameless Backstreet Boys/NSYNC fan growing up. The ball was on the tee, I had to hit it. More importantly, my program has spit out the games I’m playing in May!
Before I reveal the games, some quick housekeeping. I’m a lady of procedure, and as such I’m throwing down some quick and dirty guidelines, so I at least appear organized:
- I have the duration of the month to play the games to completion or shelve them.
- Completion is subjective. I can finish the main campaign or story line and call it a day. I can also go nuts and 100% it. It’s going to depend on how fired up I get over playing it.
- I can, for any reason, stop playing. I haven’t quite figured out what criteria will make me quit, but if I’m not enjoying a game then it’s time to move on.
- If the randomizer picks a game I know I have multiple copies of, I will play it on the most current platform I own it on.
- If I complete or stop a game before the end of the month, I can take the option of picking another one, or focusing solely on the other game. I’m honestly debating if I want to leave that chance to my Magic 8-Ball.
- I give myself permission to use game guides. I know the community at large takes a pretty dim view of them, but I’m in the camp that believes they enhance the experience. Sometimes in addition to solutions, guides go into why things designed things a certain way, and that’s interesting to me.
- More to follow.
Still here? Right on. Without further ado, let’s trot out May’s games!
Short Game
Zup! XS

Steam Store Description: “Experimental minimal physical puzzle with explosions.”
Well, that is indeed a short game. Honestly, I don’t have much to say about this. It’s a puzzle game with an obnoxious amount of achievements, which at the time was the main appeal. It used to be haute couture to decorate your Steam profile with the achievement designs. Sorry in advance to anyone that reads the friend activity feed, it’s going to be all about me for 2K+ achievements.
Long Game
Heroine’s Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok

It took some self-control to not write “Ragnarök” instead.
Steam Store Description: “A retro styled adventure/RPG hybrid with atmosphere reminiscent of the classics. Play as warrior, sorceress, or rogue as you travel through the rich world of Norse mythology to keep the world from eternal winter.”
I can’t even remember how I found this game. Knowing me, it’s in my library because I have a mild boner for Norse mythology. It also features a female protagonist, which I’m down for, provided she’s a well-rounded character.
The program has spoken. I’ll check in with updates as necessary. Stay tuned!